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Pregnancy ultrasound. Early pregnancy ultrasound. Fetal ultrasound.

19 августа 2020
Pregnancy ultrasound. Early pregnancy ultrasound. Fetal ultrasound.

Medical diagnostic ultrasound is a method based on reflection of high-frequency sound waves inaudible to the human ear. This method provides valuable information for diagnostics and treatment of different conditions in short period of examination.
Fetal ultrasound can help your physician to clarify whether the baby is growing properly in the uterus. It is necessary for monitoring of non-complicated pregnancy or to evaluate possible problems. In Russia ultrasound prenatal diagnostics is in the scope of practice of appropriately trained, certified physicians. There are no ultrasound technicians in the system of health service. Therefore you will be provided with the results, recommendations and comments right after the exam.
Medical ultrasound has become a routine part of prenatal care. There were published numerous scientific papers dedicated to the problem of ultrasound safety during the last years. Ultrasound is generally considered to be safe with very low risks and highly informative diagnostic procedure. The lowest amount of ultrasound energy that provides an accurate assessment should be used. Examination should proceed complying with ALARA (As Low AsReasonably Achievable) principles for Ultrasound.
It is important to keep in mind that fetal ultrasound might not detect all birth defects. False-positive results may occur indicating a problem when the fetus is actually healthy. Likewise, false-negative results may indicate a normal result when the fetus actually does have a health problem. Additional investigations may be needed if there is doubt regarding the results of exam.
There are two main types of fetal ultrasound exams.
Most prenatal ultrasound procedures are performed by moving a transducer over your abdomen. This method is called transabdominal ultrasound.
In some cases the examination is performed by means of a transvaginal transducer. This type of examination is used more often during early pregnancy. It might be done if a transabdominal ultrasound didn't provide enough information as well.
How to start pregnancy monitoring?
First of all it is better to confirm pregnancy with urine express-test or with blood test for HCG (humanchorionic gonadotropin). Blood test will give you a reliable result, even at the earliest stage of pregnancy. Once your pregnancy is confirmed your physician may recommend to schedule an early pregnancy ultrasound.
Early pregnancy ultrasound may be indicated to:
• confirm the pregnancy;
• check the fetal heartbeat;
• check for multiple pregnancy;
• determine the gestational age of the baby and estimated due date in case if the date of last cycle is unknown;
• exclude such conditions as ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage;
• examine condition of the uterus, cervix, ovaries and chorion.
Examination at this stage will be performed by transvaginal probe. Please be aware that you might not be able to hear your baby's heartbeat during the first pregnancy ultrasound. Most commonly, this is because it’s too early in the pregnancy. A fetal heartbeat may be detected at 6 weeks of gestational age. That is why, if there are no signs of ectopic pregnancy, it is better to undergo early pregnancy ultrasound at around 6 to 7 weeks. Signs and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy classically include abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. If there are any of these symptoms, ultrasound should be done as early as 5 weeks.
There is no need for special preparations before ultrasound exam for the above mentioned purposes.
Before starting the scanning procedure some details will be asked and fixed in the memory of the device. Please be ready to tell the date of your last cycle and give some information concerning previous pregnancies. The expected date of delivery will be calculated by the ultrasound machine.
If you're having a transvaginal ultrasound you'll be asked to undress from the waist down. You'll recline on an exam table and place your feet on it. The transducer will be covered in a special condom and be lubricated with gel.
In the end of examination you may ask all the questions you have and discuss the results. Some recommendations will be given right after the examination by the specialist.
Some certain pictures will be stored in the memory of the US machine and printed afterwards. You will be given with copies of some of these images in the end of examination.
To make an appointment you can call us at the telephone number below or at website www.cironline.ru